It is truly amazing to see all the awesome things that the Lord is doing. God continues to make the impossible not only possible, but a reality! He demonstrates His greatness each and every day as we are seeing growth in the churches and in the ministry as a whole.

There is no greater joy than seeing people saved and lives changed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Just last week six more new Christians from the church in San Isidro were baptized in the nearby river (pictured at left). There were also eight children dedicated to the Lord as whole families are coming to Christ. Praise the Lord that the churches are not only growing but they are fulfilling the Great Commission!
As we have mentioned in previous newsletters, God is expanding the ministry in Belize faster than we ever imagined. Many of you know that in addition to operating Gaither Evangelistic Ministries, we have been utilizing the facilities of River of Life Ministries (ROL) as well as directing their ministry in Belize. Approximately one year ago the founders of ROL told us that they had been praying for someone to take over the ministry they have operated for the past 30 years. Two weeks ago meetings were held with the Boards of Directors for both ROL and GEM. At the conclusion of these meetings everything was finalized as ROL has turned over their facilities, churches, and ministry to GEM. There was no doubt that the Holy Spirit has moved in this direction so that we might continue to reach many more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have a strong base to facilitate the ministry to which He has called us.
Although we have acquired the ministry facilities during this transition, the house that we have been renting has now been made available for us to purchase. The house is located adjacent to the northern facility which is an excellent situation for being right there at the campus for teams, employees, and oversight of the ministry in general. We are blessed to have been given the first option to buy the house. Please pray with us that God will provide the finances for a down payment to make this purchase.
Another exciting facet of this transition involves the expansion of GEM into Thailand. A young man from Belize and his wife are operating an orphanage in Thailand as part of ROL. This has now become a ministry of GEM and we are believing God to mightily bless and expand our outreach into that country.
On a more personal note, Brandon has successfully survived the first nine weeks of the 9th grade and almost survived the first nine months of having a little brother. It didn’t take Brandon long to figure out that solving algebraic equations and balancing chemical
formulas is far easier than keeping a mobile (and quick) little brother out of his room and away from his “stuff”. Besides exploring everything he sees, Micah has developed quite a taste for shoe soles, paper, plastic, rubber, wood, metal, and virtually any other substance known to man while trying to get his first teeth to break through. Since he is now cruising along the furniture and trying to walk, the task of keeping things out of his reach is even greater. And by the way, who told Micah that “No, no!” means turn around and give Mommy or Daddy a huge grin that completely wipes away the stern look of a disciplinarian? Randy and Sheila, on the other hand, have begun a new personal Bible study about Abraham and Sarah and how they survived Isaac in their old age. Maybe kids were different back then and that is why people lived so much longer….hmmm. Seriously, we are all enjoying the new challenges and excitement that each day brings.
We would also like to express our gratitude for all of the prayers, cards, and memorials as Randy’s dad went home to be with the Lord. Your encouragement and love has meant so much to us especially during this time.
Randy, Sheila, Brandon, and Micah Gaither
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